Review: Oliver’s Cupboard Organic Baby Food

Review – Gifted¦ Bored of bland baby food? Read on! Things get messy and fun when you’re starting to wean your baby. Reuben, who has just turned 1, was a bit later to the game than his sister. I’m not sure whether it’s because he is breastfed or if it’s just a coincidence, but he just wasn’t as interested in food as Autumn. He only really started eating things properly when he was about 10 and a half months old. Even now, he’s quite fussy and if he’s too tired or teething he won’t really eat anything that’s not smooth. That said, I’m keen to give him as much of a variety of flavours as I can. Autumn is very hesitant about any sort of spice. I wonder if it’s because I kept what she ate quite bland and not especially diverse for the first 3 or so years of her life. That’s why I was delighted to find Oliver’s Cupboard organic baby weaning food. Nutritiously balanced, these pouches contain flavourful meals which take inspiration from all over the world!

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When should you first take baby to the dentist? (+WIN)

So, when should you take your child to the dentist for the first time? There seems to be a lot of misinformation around about when you should take your baby for their first check up. Shortly before Autumn turned 6 months old, I went to a class at one of our local Children’s Centres. As well as learning about weaning, we learnt about dental care too. It turns out that where I’m based in Medway there’s a scheme where babies are given a Medway Smiles passport. It’s encouraged that they first go to the dentist between 6 and 8 months old.

Here’s some more information how to look after your baby’s precious teeth as well as a giveaway! The prizes you’re in with a chance to win will help you to protect those pearly whites.

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MAM Learn to Brush Set

Sunday Review: MAM Toothbrushes and Spoons

Now that Autumn has teeth, we’ve been brushing her teeth for a little while. MAM kindly sent us a Learn to Brush Set to help out! Autumn likes to try to do things independently, so it’s great that it has a smaller brush for her to try and use herself. They also sent us Heat Sensitive Spoons to try, which came with a cover.

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