A letter to my daughter at 6 months old

Dear Autumn,

I’m sure each month goes faster than the last. How are we at half a year already, my little cutie? I can’t believe it’s been 6 months since I got to meet you and first held you in my arms.

This month has been just as eventful, if not more eventful, than the last (see A letter to my daughter at 5 months old)!

You’ve learned to roll over

Two and a half weeks ago, you learned how to roll from your back to your tummy (you’ve already been rolling from tummy to back for some time). Now that you can do it, you never want to be still. Whenever we lay you down, you always roll onto your belly within a minute. You have such a look of determination that I don’t think it’ll be long until you’re crawling.

You’re getting cheekier

I’m sure you’ve almost started answering us when we say things to you and you have such a cheeky grin, as if you know you’ve just caused us an inconvenience. For example, when you were sick on yourself, Mummy and the floor when we were about to start filming for BBC Breakfast. You then looked at me and gave me a huge smile, you cheeky little monkey!

When Nanny and Grandad went for a weekend away, I sent Grandad a picture of you looking very cheeky, having stolen his chair! Luckily, he didn’t mind as you’re so cute!

You’re taking swimming lessons!

You’ve started learning to swim and you seem to be a natural! You look calm, happy and relaxed in the pool most of the time and you love to splash and kick your legs! You’ve even successfully gone underwater and come up again without crying.

After your first lesson, you gave me a huge smile that melted my heart. I’m sure that when I do new things with you, you are so appreciative and love me even more.

You’ve been on a playground

When it was a warm, sunny day, you visited a playground for the first time! Mummy pushed you on the swing, but you were a little too small, so she had to hold you the whole time. Then Daddy took you down the slide, but his bottom got stuck! You didn’t look very impressed. Perhaps we’ll try again in a couple of months – and Mummy will take you down the slide next time!

You got your first certificate

After 5 weeks, we officially graduated our baby massage classes! You were even given a certificate which Mummy has put in your special box. You were a very good girl at the last class, as you let Mummy do the whole massage! The previous two weeks you got hungry or needed a nappy change, so we had to stop. Last Sunday we had a lovely chilled out afternoon with relaxing music on. Mummy gave you a massage and you looked very content afterwards.

You tried to steal Daddy’s cookie

Daddy isn’t very good at sharing food and has been known to EAT A WHOLE TUBE OF PRINGLES THAT MUMMY HAD BOUGHT FOR HERSELF. Not that she minds at all…I digress… Daddy was amused to see you trying to steal his cookie though, you probably get away with it because you’re such a little bundle of loveliness!

We gave you your first proper food

We decided to start weaning slightly before 6 months, as you were absolutely ready for it. You were also rolling both ways, so we knew that your tongue had developed the actions it needed to ensure you could eat food. You seem to enjoy eating bananas with Mummy and Daddy and you enjoyed carrots too. It made Mummy laugh when you put one in your mouth and just left it there, which made you somewhat resemble Winston Churchill with his cigar.

You got messier than ever before!

Now that we’re weaning you, you’re getting messier than ever before! I don’t think you’ve ever had quite as many baths. It’s interesting to clean and seems to get into all sorts of places – how did you get a tomato sauce in your armpit and peas in your ear? Despite the fun we have cleaning you up, it’s lovely to see you having fun and exploring different tastes and textures and you look very cute!

I’m looking forward to seeing how you develop over the next month, but I wish you’d slow down a little sometimes. I really do wonder if I’ll be typing that you’re crawling next month…maybe we should get the stair gates down from the loft sooner rather than later!

You’ve developed new strange habits

Earlier this month, you developed a habit of sucking your lips in and out of your mouth which Daddy and I find hilarious! You’ve also taken to playing with and chewing on your feet.

While there have been all these lovely things happening with you this month, on the day you turned 6 months old some nasty things happened and innocent people died. I cuddled you just a little bit tighter that night, wishing that I could keep you safe and oblivious to such events forever. I am your Mummy after all, so I just want you to be happy, healthy and safe.

All my love always, Mummy xxx

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19 thoughts on “A letter to my daughter at 6 months old”

  1. Aww what gorgeous photos. I’ve always thought the six month milestone to be one of the best, it’s when babies really start to show their personalities.

  2. Oh what a wonderful catch up, so many things have happened! I think that crawling isn’t too far away. Gorgeous photos too:)

  3. Aw how lovely, 6 months is such a lovely age their characters really start to shine through! You’ll need eye’s in the back of your head now Autumn is rolling around everywhere! Thanks so much for sharing with #Blogstravganza, hope to see you again next week xx

  4. What a beautiful letter I’m sure she will love to read it when she is older Thanks for linking to the #THAT FRIDAY LINKY come back next week please

  5. She is so adorable, I do love your continuing posts as it means I feel like I get to watch Autumn grow up. She is at such a wonderful stage right now and every month from now she will get even more alert. I feel so honoured to be able to share in your journey, thank you for sharing it with us at #PostsFromTheHeart

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