Funny things my 2 year old says

We’re celebrating Autumn’s 3rd birthday over the next week. With that in mind, I’ve been thinking over the last year. It’s gone so fast and she’s grown so much. One of the things that has developed the most is her speech. We’ve gone from fairly simple sentences to full blown conversation. Some of the things she comes out with are so funny. Here are some quotes from her as a 2 year old.

Let’s start with the iconic “Mouth want cake, mouth want cake!”

Cupcakes with pink icing

Photo by Plush Design Studio from Pexels

Back in the winter, Autumn and I were walking along our road one evening. As she was holding my hand, I felt her hesitate and look up at the moon in the sky. Then she started standing on her tiptoes and jumping with an arm stretched out saying “I can’t reach it, I can’t reach it!” It was adorable!

“I got my bag, I going to school Mummy!” She wasn’t even 2 and a half at this point. I don’t feel ready for her to go to nursery yet, let alone school!

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In January or February, I caught her doing something odd one day. She was trying to lift her head off of her neck saying “It’s too heavy, I can’t do it!”

Around the same time, walking past a local primary school one day, there was a pheasant. I stopped and pointed it out to her. Once it had wandered out of sight, she started to cry. When I asked her why, she sadly replied “I lost the chicken!)

Photo by PhotoMIX Ltd. from Pexels

I don’t know whether it’s because of her love of Paw Patrol or not, but Autumn loves reporting emergencies. The problem is, they’re not usually an actual emergency. The first she said, however, was “Oh no, emergency! My pushchair is stuck!” I’d put the brakes on so that she couldn’t move it!

Earlier in the year, Autumn couldn’t pronounce the ‘L’ in ‘plants’. This led to an amusing situation one day where she repeatedly shouted “I NEED MY PANTS!”

Photo by from Pexels

One of my favourite funny conversations we’ve had this year was the following:

Me – “Would you like some of my vegetables, Autumn?”
Autumn – “No, I don’t like to do that”
Me – “Why not?”
Autumn – “Because I love doughnups and cake”

A couple of months ago, I treated us to a Burger King for lunch. I got her a crown, but she insisted that I wore it: “You wear the crown please mummy? Now you look like a mummy princess!”

Photo by Susanne Jutzeler from Pexels

When we went to the swimming pool over the summer, we were just sitting on the bench at the side of the baby pool when she turned to me and said “Hello! What’s your name little lost pup?” She smiled and patted my head as she did so. Then she stuck her finger up my right nostril and said “Your name’s Rubble!”

“I like pups and doggies and kitties and cat cats!”

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A few weeks ago, I had a shower and left Autumn downstairs with some toys. I wasn’t in there for very long. However, when I came downstairs I found her with blue dots and stripes drawn all over her arms. When I asked her why she had dots and stripes over her arm, she replied “It’s my cat arm” and told me she liked it.

As she gets older, she’s starting to get fussier with what she wears. I asked her what she thought of a new top I’d bought her. She made a noise and said “It’s too starry, Mummy!”

Photo by Hristo Fidanov from Pexels

One of my best friends came to our house during August and brought Autumn some lovely animal finger puppets to make. Autumn asked what the nostrils were as she helped her to stick them to the hippo. When we explained nostrils, Autumn looked around the room and said “I can’t find my nostrils anywhere!”

After I took Autumn swimming recently, I heard her stomach rumble. She giggled and said “My tummy is rumbling because it wants doughnups!”

Photo by Sharon McCutcheon from Pexels

Most recently, I said “Autumn, I love being your Mummy!” Her response was “Thanks Mummy, I love being your parent too!”


Children are just so funny! What have yours said that has made you laugh recently?

1 thought on “Funny things my 2 year old says”

  1. Their little quotes make your heart melt. Love the one where she tried to say plants and ended up saying plants. I remember my son shouting “I can’t” loudly at us when we asked him to keep walking (he wanted to sit down). Sadly he mis pronounced ‘can’t’!

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