Baby #2: Bump Pictures and Weeks 32-34

I’m going to try and update a little more regularly now that it’s coming close to eviction day! I’m trying to mentally prepare myself. Half of the time I’m worrying about whether I can do this again and how much it’s going to hurt. Somehow, having given birth before hasn’t really taken away much of my anxiety surrounding labour, even though it was a positive experience! The other half of me is just so excited and can’t wait.

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What Happens to Pregnant Women in Jail?

Collaborative Post¦ One of the biggest questions surrounding women in jail centres around what happens if they are pregnant. For everything you need to know about pregnancy in jail, read on…

It’s the case that substantially fewer women go to jail compared to men – but how many of those women are pregnant? And how does that affect their sentencing?

In the UK, there are a number of rules in place that account for female prisoners who are pregnant or who have recently given birth. Yet, those rules aren’t necessarily common knowledge amongst the general public.

In recent years, awareness has slowly grown regarding the topic of pregnant women in jail thanks, in part, to a string of high-profile cases involving baby deaths inside prisons that were reported in the press. These incidents have also raised further questions regarding criminal defence for pregnant women. So, for a closer look at what happens to pregnant women in jail, keep reading…

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Do NHS dentists actually care about their patients?

Over the last 10 years or so, I’ve had some experiences with NHS dentists that have not been particularly favourable. Nothing major, but enough to change between NHS dentists near me in the hope of improving my experiences. However, it hasn’t helped. Last month, I had absolutely terrible wisdom tooth pain (particularly not ideal whilst pregnant). This resulted in my worst experience yet, which led to me going to a private dentist. It’s left me wondering if NHS dentists actually care about their patients or if it all comes down to money.

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Baby #2: Bump Pictures and Weeks 28-31

As if the third trimester is here already. With Autumn, pregnancy seemed to drag on for years. This time, as soon as I got past the morning sickness part (bleh) the days seem to have absolutely flown! I was actually quite shocked when I realised I was in the third trimester. Despite my constant discomfort (thanks PGP) and tiredness, time is still flying. All of a sudden I’m in single figures…less than 10 weeks until I get to meet my baby!

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Five Things You Should Do When You Find Out You’re Pregnant

Collaborative Post¦ So you’ve found out you’re expecting a baby, congratulations! You’re probably already starting to think about everything that you need to get sorted before they arrive. So, let’s have a look at some of the things you may want to think about: 

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