Why Do I Need a Baby Monitor?

Collaborative Post¦ You cannot always be with your baby in person, there are often things that you need to do around the house to keep a home running, that are to the benefit of your baby and other family members. You understandably will, at the same time, feel apprehensive at not being close to your baby to continually make sure that they are okay. That is, safe and well. The solution is to consider a baby monitor. This way, the device can become your eyes and ears. That is right, today’s baby monitors are so sophisticated that you can have picture and sound of your baby’s movements, so that whatever you are doing, you can see what they are. It can be comforting to know that your baby’s restless movements are only temporary and that they are content with sleeping in their cot for a bit.
To find out more about the best baby monitors on the market, there are online websites that you can visit.
So, let us consider further why we need one?

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What will my baby’s gender be? Putting predictions to the test

There are lots of old wives’ tales when it comes to predicting the gender of your baby. Unsurprisingly, many countries and cultures around the world have their own ‘signs’ of whether you’re carrying a little boy or girl. Let’s take a look at some of the fun ways to predict gender, whether you’re planning to find out or not. I also put them to the test to see what each one predicted I was pregnant with!

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Baby #2: Bump Pictures and Weeks 32-34

I’m going to try and update a little more regularly now that it’s coming close to eviction day! I’m trying to mentally prepare myself. Half of the time I’m worrying about whether I can do this again and how much it’s going to hurt. Somehow, having given birth before hasn’t really taken away much of my anxiety surrounding labour, even though it was a positive experience! The other half of me is just so excited and can’t wait.

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5 ways to baby-proof your rented house

Collaborative Post¦ With only 6 weeks to go until my due date, it won’t be very long before I’m thinking about baby-proofing my home again! Every house or flat contains potential dangers that you need to protect your baby from. However, in a rented house it can be a bit more of a challenge to baby-proof things. After all, you don’t want to risk losing your deposit by making any permanent changes. As such, you’ll need to speak to your landlord before making any holes in walls!

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Baby #2: Bump Pictures and Weeks 20-27

The first half of the second trimester of pregnancy flew, but I swear the second half flew even faster! Time seems to be going in a really odd way this year and I was shocked to hit 28 weeks and find I was at the third trimester already! That said, the last few weeks haven’t been without their problems.

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