What will my baby’s gender be? Putting predictions to the test

There are lots of old wives’ tales when it comes to predicting the gender of your baby. Unsurprisingly, many countries and cultures around the world have their own ‘signs’ of whether you’re carrying a little boy or girl. Let’s take a look at some of the fun ways to predict gender, whether you’re planning to find out or not. I also put them to the test to see what each one predicted I was pregnant with!


The test: What are you craving? An old wive’s tale suggests that if you don’t feel like sweet things, but are reaching for savoury and salty foods, you’re carrying a boy. Meanwhile, wanting sugar and spice suggest a girl.

Me: This pregnancy I mainly craved Worcester Sauce crisps and strawberry laces, so a combination of both sweet and savoury!

Result: Inconclusive!

Wedding ring

The test: Put a wedding ring on a piece of string and hold it over your bump. If the ring swings in circles it’s supposedly a girl. Meanwhile, if it swings back and forth you’re having a boy!

Me: It started swinging back and forth, but then swung in circles.

Result: Inconclusive!

How you’re carrying

The test: If you’re carrying high, it’s a girl! If you’re carrying your bump low, it’s a boy.

Me: I carried low with Autumn (who obviously turned out to be a girl). I also carried low this time!

Result: Boy

Bump shape

The test: If you’ve gained weight all over, you’re having a girl. If you haven’t gained much elsewhere other than your bump, it’s a boy!

Me: I was pretty much all bump and didn’t really gain weight elsewhere. Although, that’s also how I was with my pregnancy with Autumn!

Result: Boy

Partner’s weight

The test: If your partner is gaining ‘sympathy’ weight along with you it’s a girl. No change? It’s a boy!

Me: My husband hasn’t gained any weight and has stuck to his usual food and fitness routine.

Result: Boy

Morning sickness

The test: If you’ve been very nauseated and throwing up a lot, some people say you’re having a girl. Meanwhile, if you’ve not been sick or not very sick, it’s a boy.

Me: I felt so much more sick with this pregnancy. It lasted for longer, was far more intense and I actually vomited too.

Result: Girl


The test: If your skin is beautifully clear and ‘glowing’, it’s a boy. If your skin looks tired and you’re breaking out, you may be having a girl!

Me: My skin was definitely the later! Although, it did make my skin amazingly soft!

Result: Girl

Heart rate

The test: Once you get past your first trimester, check out the speed of the baby’s heart beat when you see your midwife or go for a scan. Some say if it’s faster than 140bmp it’s a sure sign you’re having a girl. If it’s slower, its a boy!

Me: At my first ultrasound, my baby’s heart beat was 158bpm

Result: Girl

Chinese gender calculator

The test: Based on the Chinese lunar calendar and several other factors going back to ancient times, all you need is the date you conceived, your birthdate and an online Chinese gender calculator. Some say this is 70% accurate!

Result: Girl

Mayan gender prediction

The test: What is your age and what month did you conceive in? If both numbers are odd or even, you’re supposedly having a girl. However, if one number is odd and the other is even, it’s a boy.

Me: I conceived in April (4) and was 28.

Result: Girl


Overall, these predicted that I was having a girl. However, I definitely gave birth to a little boy! Trying out different ways of predicting gender is fun, but don’t pin your hopes on them!

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