How to Help an Elderly Loved One Adjust to Loss of Mobility

Brought to you by Ella Woodward¦ If one of your parents, or another elderly relative, has recently begun to struggle with their mobility, it can be a difficult time for them as they come to terms with their new physical limits. However, just because their mobility is diminished, it doesn’t mean they can’t still do the things they enjoy and have a good quality of life.

Happily, there are things you can do to help them adjust to this new period of their life, including finding ways to make getting about easier. Read on to find out how.

Help Keep The Home Tidy And Accessible

When your loved one has difficulty moving around, it’s vital that their home is kept clean, neat, and clear of any potential obstacles that could get in their way or even cause them to have a fall.

This can be a simple enough task if they are living with you, but if they live on their own it may be best to invest in at-home care services; that way, carers can visit on a daily basis and ensure that the home is safe and that each room is easily accessible.

Modify The Home

When an older person begins to lose their mobility, it’s a good idea to make some modifications around the home. In the bathroom, hand rails and a raised toilet seat in the can help them to stand up after using the facilities.

Riser recliner chairs and adjustable beds can also make a big difference, providing additional comfort while sitting or sleeping, and making it easier for them to get up or sit and lie down.

Consider Investing In Mobility Aids

If their mobility is particularly restricted, perhaps after an accident or a medical procedure, you may want to discuss with them the possibility of investing in a mobility aid or two, such as motability powerchairs, while they are recovering. Mobility Solutions offers a variety of options for your loved one to choose from, ranging from indoor to outdoor powerchairs, and even all-terrain models.

Help Them With Simple Stretches

Engaging in gentle exercise on a regular basis is very important for the elderly, and particularly for anyone who is struggling with reduced mobility.

Even some simple stretches can bring a range of benefits, including helping to prevent muscle stiffness and strain, as well as improving their circulation and their sense of balance. Encourage your loved one to do some stretches or another form of gentle exercise a few times a week. There are a number of exercises that can be done even while seated, so they can stretch while watching their favourite television program.

Encourage Them To Stay Positive

Even though there is plenty of help and resources available to help seniors with reduced mobility, it can still come as a shock and require a period of adjustment and transition.

As a result, it’s important to help your loved one stay as positive as possible, perhaps by joining them in some enjoyable activities, such as yoga and Pilates, or simply by having a heart to heart over a cup of tea. Your constant reassurance and support will be of great benefit to them as they adjust to their new way of life.