14 Ways for new parents to celebrate Valentine’s Day

When you have a new baby, it’s very difficult to get time to yourself as a couple. Of course, quality time together is important for the health of your relationship. Therefore it’s important to try and find a little time here and there. It’s easy to get caught up in just doing what needs to be done each day and lose the romance. That’s why this Valentine’s Day, I’m determined to celebrate somehow, even though I have a newborn and a 4 year old. If you’re in a similar boat, here are some ideas!

1. Wine and Dine

A tasty meal is always best shared with someone you love. Get your favourite takeaway delivered or do some research and order your partner’s favourite cuisine. I often find that independent restaurants are better than chains! It’s always good to support local businesses too, more now than ever. Easy on the wine, though, especially if you’re breastfeeding!

2. Have a picnic

It’s February and we’re in a lockdown, so don’t do this one in a park like you usually would! Instead, set out a blanket on the floor or a bed or sofa if that’s more comfortable. Get out an assortment of picnic foods and arrange them nicely on the blanket, et voilà!

3. Netflix and chill

While the baby naps, start a new series together or find a film to watch that you’ll both enjoy. The chill can be what you want it to, which if you’re a few weeks postpartum like me will probably be a nice tub of ice cream!

4. Crafting

Working on a craft project together can be really fun. You could sculpt something out of clay or take an online painting class together. You don’t have to be decent artists – in fact, that can make it an even better experience as you’ll be laughing at each other’s attempts!

5. Romantic massage

Parenting is hard work. What with that and all those hours of rocking and burping your baby, you probably have lots of knots in your neck, shoulders and back! Get some nice oil or lotion and take the time to give each other a romantic massage.

6. Game night

Unless you manage to time it right, it might not be possible to get through a whole board game before baby wakes again. However, you could play a video game together! Of course, if you are interrupted it will save so you can continue again from where you left off.

7. Dance fever

Put on your favourite music or a song that is special to you and have a dance around the kitchen or living room! There are also tutorials online if you fancy trying out some salsa or another type of dance for Valentine’s Day.

8. Pamper session

Self-care is always important! Apply a face mask to each other, sit back and chill out!

9. Bath time

Take 10 minutes to have a blissful bath or shower together. The only problem with showers is that I always seem to hear phantom cries during them! A bath feels a bit more luxurious too…especially when there are bubbles involved!

10. Build a den

You’re never too old for den building! Cuddling in a fort made out of blankets and pillows sounds like a perfect way to spend an evening. You could add some LED fairy lights to make it extra cosy!

11. Treasure hunt

Just like den building, you’re never too old for a treasure hunt either. I once surprised my husband by leaving clues leading to little prizes around the house and he loved it!

12. Virtual museum tour

Many museums and art galleries are doing online tours while we can’t visit them in person. Here are 10 of the best to visit from the comfort of your sofa.

13. Plan the future

Sit down together and talk about what you’d like the next 5 or 10 years to hold. Perhaps you could plan a holiday for once the pandemic is over! You could make a mood board or use Pinterest for a visual representation that you can look back on. When you have a newborn, life is exhausting and busy. Talking about your future together will help you to feel more connected again.

14. Yoga

Yoga can be as funny or as serious as you’d like it to be and is a perfect activity for couples! Light some candles and dust off your mat for a super relaxed Valentine’s date.

What are your plans for this Valentine’s Day? I’d love to hear from you!

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