Think before you formula-bash 

I haven’t written a poem for about a decade, possibly longer. However, I have some pretty strong views on women insulting people for bottle feeding their babies and I thought I’d try to express it through poetry. Even just a mention of breastfeeding or seeing someone breastfeeding  hurts someone like me. Please don’t get me wrong, I’m not asking people to not mention breastfeeding around me, or to not breastfeed around me or others. I’m fully supportive of breastfeeding, I just think there needs to be some more sensitivity to women who formula feed their babies.

I absolutely loved breastfeeding, I’ve mentioned it in a previous post about My Breastfeeding Journey. I tried my hardest with all the odds against me to keep going as long as I could and felt like I had the experience stolen from me by a cruel turn of events. I felt very down after I had to stop as I felt a massive sense of disappointment and failure.

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My breastfeeding journey

Breastfeeding is a very personal thing and every woman with a child has her own story about why she breastfeeds, why she stopped breastfeeding or why she formula fed from the start.

My story begins years before I even fell pregnant, when my, (then boyfriend), husband and I were discussing having children in the future. I just knew that when the time came, I wanted to feed my child myself. After all, breast is best, right?!

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My waterbirth story

“See you on Wednesday…possibly!” I said to my Dad as we left my parents’ house on Sunday 18th September. He was free on Wednesday morning to come and swap our old leaking radiator to a new one we’d bought to replace it.

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When Mummy went crazy with anxiety

***Warning: This post is emotional, discusses mental health issues and may be a trigger to some***

If you’re reading this post, you may have read last Saturday’s post about when Autumn was ill and in hospital. This post is about how I was feeling when she was in hospital, as I was not well myself and it had a terrible effect on my mental health.

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A letter to my daughter at 4 & a bit months old

Dear Autumn,

I can’t believe how big you’re getting. Sometimes it feels so long since you were born and you were so tiny, sometimes it feels hardly any time at all. One thing is for sure, I can’t imagine life without you and I’m so glad to have you in it.

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