26 years and 26 goals

Post contains sponsored links¦ Last week, I celebrated my 26th birthday. I can’t believe that this year, my husband and I have been together for a whole decade! I’m also very scared of how close I’m getting to the big three-oh. It feels like time has just flown terrifyingly fast since I left school.

Anyway, it seems like a good time to set some goals for the following year. So, why not do that cliché blogger thing and think of 26 as that’s how many years I’ve been on the planet?

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6 tips for doing a boot fair with a baby in tow

I’ve recently had a huge clear out. The amount of clutter everywhere was starting to make me feel a little stressed out, so I decided to take action. I’d toyed with the idea of doing a boot fair for a couple of years, but had never got round to it. I’d also heard lots of negative things about people stealing things and trying to haggle prices to ridiculous amounts.

However, now that I have a baby in tow, it’s harder than it once would have been! I’ve put together some tips based on my experience of the boot sale that I did a few weeks ago.

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You can haggle when buying a car

10 tips to save money at the supermarket

A few years ago at the age of 20, my then fiancé, now husband, and I were saving money for a deposit for our first house. This led me to think of various ways of saving money, including when shopping in the supermarket. This continued in the first year of owning our house as at that point our combined wages were only just enough to pay the mortgage and bills, until I got another job which made things a lot more comfortable for us. However, now that I’m on maternity leave, I am having to watch the pennies again. Here are my top tips for saving money when shopping in supermarkets!

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Medway Council Cabinet Meeting - Transformation of Early Help Services

Medway Council’s closure of 19 Children’s Centres

On Monday morning, I was alarmed to read an article that said Medway Council were closing their Sure Start Children’s Centres. I was even more disgruntled to read that it was so that they could save £60,000 to fund a party and fireworks! Those who know me well will know that despite being introverted, I am one to stand my ground. My mind instantly started buzzing with thoughts about petitions and protests

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