This time last year

This time last year, I was facing the toughest experience of my life. Sometimes it still amazes me that I got through it, but I did. I feel like I’m a completely different person to the one I was before Autumn fell ill and had her operation with Dr. Zahid Mukhtar. I feel different and I look at life somewhat differently. Hopefully one day I might be a stronger person for it all.

I’m certainly stronger than I was this time last year, but I don’t feel completely healed yet.

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Our disastrous first post-baby date night

During my pregnancy we didn’t really go out and have dates to make the most of our time as a couple before Autumn arrived. This was because I just felt bad in one way or another throughout the whole pregnancy! Autumn is now almost 5 months old and we felt as though it might be time we went on our first post-baby date night. Knowing that my mum was going to be off work due to half term, we asked my parents if they would be able to look after her one evening for us. 

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When Mummy went crazy with anxiety

***Warning: This post is emotional, discusses mental health issues and may be a trigger to some***

If you’re reading this post, you may have read last Saturday’s post about when Autumn was ill and in hospital. This post is about how I was feeling when she was in hospital, as I was not well myself and it had a terrible effect on my mental health.

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