Those Special Moments In Life Need A Little Planning

Collaborative Post¦ For those major life events, such as weddings and baptisms, you will want to look at the things that you need to look at to make sure that things go down without a hitch. 

Photo: Unsplash

Flower decoration

Visit the flower shop of your choice. Take care of the flower decoration for the church in good time and plan on if you want real or artificial flowers. Listen to the opinion of the expert on the type of flowers and his suggestions for a beautiful decoration. Choose the wedding bouquet that you will keep. Take care of the baskets with rose petals and confetti (or rice) because this will be an important component for after the ceremony! 

Reception – Music

Decide if it will be done in a hotel or in another room designed for receptions. After selecting the venue together with the wedding planner, you will have to arrange the menu. You will need to come up with a plan for where your guests will sit at the tables. Also choose live music or DJ. Even if you have decided on the type of music, do not forget to spend a few minutes choosing music that your parents enjoy too, just to dedicate some of it to them. Make sure the wedding bar is nearby to help guests loosen up and hit the dance floor!


For bridal makeup and hairstyle there is the possibility to do a trial with the beauticians in order to choose the one that suits you. A simple appearance does not always go unnoticed. According to experts like those at Elopement Photography, you don’t always have to go over the top to look amazing. In fact, sometimes you’ll get much better results when choosing to opt for the understated ‘look’. Listen to what the experts have to suggest to you, prefer for that day to go with makeup, hairstyle and create a beautiful overall image. 


If you are the one attending the wedding then buying the right gifts is vital. If you are the one getting married then making a wedding list is important to receive the right gifts. What will be beneficial? Perhaps something for your new home or if you are having a family soon, perhaps a gift card to have a professional Family Photography come take some wonderful photos for you.


Make sure you have all the necessary information in place on your invites. So answer the questions by stating: Where will the sacrament take place? When will it take place? Who is getting married? The invitations are traditionally given by hand otherwise the posting of the invitations is required and each invitation should contain the name of the guests. Decide what colours and style you want and if you want a handwritten font or something a little more modern and stylish. Do you want it sealed with wax and flowers added; the invitations tend to set the tone for the wedding so be sure to talk through what you really want. The greeting cards that you should send after your wedding to those who send you gifts. 


The need to rest and be alone away from everyday life is where the planning of the honeymoon comes! There are travel agencies that specialize in honeymoon with the appropriate offers so do not forget to get on top of everything. 

Disclosure: This is a collaborative post.

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