Can Everyone Have A Role At Your Wedding?

Collaborative Post¦ Even though weddings are events of sheer joy and unrivalled love, they are supremely complex. The modern wedding has become much more elaborate, more creative and grandiose compared to previous decades. The wedding industry provides just about everything you can imagine. There’s no shortage of options of flowers, transportation, venues, music, catering and dresses. There’s so much to do and it always feels like there’s never enough time. So as the bride and groom, you’ll delegate tasks and roles to your most trusted friends and family members. The normal way of doing things is having a close-knit team and a guest list. All the guests have to do is turn up and bear witness to your marriage ceremony. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Maybe, everyone could have the chance to play a role at your wedding?


Flower power children

At most weddings, there will be a chosen number of children that will throw flowers down the aisle and bring the rings to the steps of alter during the ceremony. Most couples believe they should pick children from each of their families. However, this is the conventional way of doing things. Instead, to show how much your guests mean to you, pick the children out from the attendees. Before the ceremony begins and before the bride and groom have arrived you may want to have some of your friends and family choose smartly dressed children out of the audience. Make sure it’s okay with their parents. Show the kids what they need to do and let them join in the ceremony. It’s a brilliant heartfelt gesture to your guests to have their children play a role in your magical day.

Play their role

Even when it’s party time, guests should always be allowed to meet and greet the newly married couple. Don’t sit at your table looking over at your guests, have some fun with them. Look at this photo booth hire service and choose a specific style. This boutique booth service is one of the best ways to capture everyone playing their respective roles. Take pictures will all of your guests and tell them to be free in their expression so they can play their role. Maybe they’re a long family friend or perhaps a best friend, being together and messing around in the booth is a great way to capture your personality and how much you mean to each other in a not-so-serious manner.


A wedding attendant

If you have guests coming along to your wedding that you can trust to be competent, polite and helpful to others during moments of stress and panic, you should make them a wedding attendant. This role is for those that can help relay orders and requests from the bride and groom to the larger groups of guests. This could be ushering people to their tables, handing out menus, dealing with little problems like giving a guest who has a headache some aspirin etc.


There’s a role for everyone at your wedding but not enough to go around. So pick some of the best guests to be flower children, to be playful in the booth taking pictures with you and others, as well as just being a helpful hand. 

Disclosure: This is a collaborative post.

Cover Photo by Kayla Renee from Pexels

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