Our second sensory room adventure

A couple of weeks ago, I posted about baby Autumn and I playing in the sensory room for the first time. Today we went back to have some more fun and do some more learning. Autumn had her jabs this morning, so the poor little thing has been grumpy all day and almost constantly grizzling. The sensory room seemed to help distract her to some extent for a while though. 

Today, we started off with the UV lights and bright flowing materials. Autumn seemed to really enjoy orange voile-like material. She especially liked it when I used it to play peek-a-boo with her!

She didn’t seem quite so impressed when I tried to give her a new hairstyle with it though!

Next, we played with the shaker. Autumn has recently learned how to play with rattles properly and really enjoys the noises they make. I think she liked the way the colours glowed under the UV lights too.

Then I sat Autumn on the Bumbo and gave her some soft green material to touch and play with.

The green material went down a treat, I even got my first smile of the day since her jabs this morning.

Once she seemed bored of the material, I thought we’d move on to the fibre optic wall, as we didn’t use that last time. I decided to keep the UV lights on to begin with as it makes them look a little brighter when it’s on. Autumn seemed fascinated as I draped them over her and moved them around.

After a little while, I turned off the UV light so that they looked a little different for her. She liked touching them and pulling them around, making them move.

Grumpy from the injections this morning, she started crying and was almost inconsolable. Once I managed to calm her down after a few minutes of cuddles, kisses and swaying, I popped her down next to the light changing tube with bubbles and fish that she loved so much before. I loved the expression of wonder in this picture I got.

My poor baby girl still seems very upset and the NHS website says that she might be irritable for up to 48 hours after the injections. She’s currently having cuddles with her Daddy and has just fallen asleep watching In The Night Garden. She seemed a little bit calmer after having some cuddles from Daddy, although she was still grizzling occasionally until the point where she fell asleep. I’m hoping that she’ll sleep well tonight and feel better tomorrow morning.

How was your baby after their 20 week jabs and do your children enjoy playing with materials? I’d love to hear from you!

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MummuddlingthroughMudpie Fridays

11 thoughts on “Our second sensory room adventure”

  1. I’ve worked in a sensory room before. It’s incredible the impact the lights can have on a baby’s happiness x

  2. Our girls were always fine after their jabs but this looks awesome and fab photos Thanks for linking to the #THAT FRIDAY LINKY come back next week please

  3. Hello Autumns mummy! Xx

    I’m a friend of Tina Wenham so I’m guessing you live locally too… Where is this sensory room you go to?




  4. Hi! 🙂 I’m in Medway, but I believe there’s one in Riverside Children’s Centre in Dickens Road (Denton). The number listed for them online is 03000 42 23 42 if you wanted to give them a ring and find out more 🙂 xxx

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