5 steps to being happy – International Day of Happiness

Today is the International Day of Happiness, so I thought I’d reflect on how I’ve been feeling lately. Let’s face the facts: Life is stressful, terrible things happen in our world and many things just seem so awful and unfair! I know the cold, dark British winters don’t really help my mood either. However, I try to always remember that I can still feel happy despite all of these things. “How to be happy?” you ask. Well, here are my 5 tips that I follow when I feel myself getting depressed.

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How (not) to remove a corkscrew nose piercing in 20 steps

The other week, I bought myself a nose ring. After a year and a half of having my nose pierced, I thought I’d finally change my stud to a ring as I love how they look.

When I got my nose pierced, the piercer told me that it was a corkscrew nose stud and that they’re difficult to take out and put in. So, this is the tale of how I took my stud out and put the ring in.

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My 10 top tips for dealing with a cold

A few days ago, I got a bad cold and now poor little Autumn has a cold too. It was the first time I had a bad cold and had to look after a child. I have to say I did miss being able to just curl up and feel sorry for myself, especially when she started screaming and I had a banging headache! However, it was just a cold, I know things could be much worse. I just got on with it and did the usual things that I do when I have a cold to try and get through it quicker and more comfortably:

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