10 reasons I’m #RockingMotherhood

Last Friday I was over at Mummy Miller‘s blog, when a recent post of hers caught my eye; 10 reasons I’m #Rocking Motherhood.

We’re often so tough on ourselves as mothers and parents, so I think it’s important that every now and then we just take a breath and think about all the positive things we’re doing as parents. I enjoyed reading Mummy Miller’s post and at the bottom it said that she was tagging anyone who may be reading it that hadn’t completed this challenge…so, I thought I’d give it a go!

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12 things that have changed since I became a mum

Lots changes once you become a parent, even if it takes some reflection to realise what. Today I’ve stayed in all day; although I felt like going for a walk with the pram, the grey skies, fog and cold weren’t particularly encouraging me to go outside. As such, we’ve spent the day indoors, providing the opportunity to do some household chores. It was as I put my sleeping baby down for a nap on the sofa that I thought “Yes! I can do some washing now!” and then I pondered “Wait, when did I get excited about doing laundry?

Then I wondered “What else has changed since I became a Mum?” How many of these are true for you, too?

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