Lower, Middle And Upper Back Pain Explained


Collaborative Post¦ Back pain is very common. The back is a very complex network of muscles, nerves and veins. It’s the largest surface area of flesh on our bodies and with that, you can expect some inherent weaknesses. The things that we do normally in life, do not challenge our backs outright. Rather they do make them weaker over time and this can happen to any of us. We don’t notice how weak our muscles are until we need to use them. Then muscle atrophy becomes very real indeed. If we force our weak muscles to do something they are incapable of doing this can lead to injury.

Developments in spinal research have completely revolutionized the ways that we can treat the different types of back pain. So much so that professionals like dr timothy steel are helping aspiring spinal experts to enter the field. We have come a long way, with many different ways to treat back pain. From non-invasive treatments and lifestyle changes to corrective surgeries and strength training.

So whether you are if you’re studying to become a doctor or nurse, or trying to understand the nature of your own back pain; let’s understand the various back pain types and common causes.

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Things You Might be Worried About, But You Aren’t Alone

Image Courtesy of Pixabay

Collaborative Post¦ Being a woman has always been challenging. You raise a family, manage the household and cook the meals. And that’s without worrying about sexual harassment and being paid less than male counterparts – even this day and age. But being female is also a powerful position despite what some people say. Women are providers, carers and lovers. It is helpful to remember these qualities. In the worst times, you can alleviate some of the more concerning stresses. 

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7 Foods You Never Knew Supported Hair Growth

Collaborative Post¦ Feeling like your hair growth has slowed down recently? Seeing more hair shedding in the shower? There are a few reasons why this might happen. For some, hair loss or growth cycle disruption might be due to hormonal changes, hereditary conditions, or nutritional deficiencies. If it happens to be the latter, there are a few foods you’ll want to add to your diet to help get things moving again. 

And we’re not just talking about packing in some Popeye spinach. (Although that is great for hair growth too.) There are a few things that support hair growth that might surprise you. If you want to enhance your hair growth and hair health, consider adding these foods into your weekly meal rotation. 

Let’s get into 7 great foods that you never knew supported hair growth. 

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Caught in the wave of bronchiolitis

TW: Hospitalisation of baby, mention of anxiety¦ Well, this is a first. I’m beginning to write this post from a hospital bed. Thankfully, I’m writing in the knowledge that everything seems to be fine now. Bronchiolitis is really common in babies in the autumn and winter. However, the nurses here have told me that thanks to lockdown last winter, the usual wave of cases coming in didn’t really happen. I actually read a news article last week saying that due to a combination of that and people now mingling, lots of babies are now catching respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), the virus responsible for it and hospitalisations are rising. According to Public Health England, over 60% of children have been infected with it by their first birthday. This rises to over 80% by 2 years of age. For most, it is a mild illness but some require hospitalisation. Unfortunately for us, Reuben was one of them.

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4 Simple Practices That Benefit Your Mind and Body

Image Credit: Pexels

Collaborative Post¦ It seems like a day doesn’t go by today without hearing about individuals suffering from various lifestyle conditions such as heart disease, diabetes or mental illness.

As the world grows chaotic, there’s never been a better time to take care of your mind and body as these two can guarantee you a long and healthy life.

Contrary to what you may think, it doesn’t take much to keep your mind and body in top shape. In fact, with these four simple practices, you’ll have a much clearer head and stronger body.

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