Winter Bedspreads for a cosy bedroom

With cold grey days and Christmas festivities everywhere, it would seem winter has arrived over the last week or so. We’ve even had some snow! On days like these, I can’t wait to retreat to my lovely cosy bed at the end of the day. Fortunately, it’s easy to add little touches to your bedroom to make it cosier on a budget. One such way is with the use of bedspreads!

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Review: UltraHeat Radiator from PlumbNation

We’ve finally got around to fitting a new UltraHeat radiator in our living room recently. As you may have read in older blog posts,  I am desperately trying to get our living room decorated. My husband and I were lucky to get onto the property ladder at 20. Rather than getting a flat in good condition, we opted to buy a house in not as good a condition. Fast forward five years and the living room is still almost entirely in the state the previous owners (who had the house repossessed) left it in with bad paintwork, shoddy woodwork and laminate flooring in a terrible condition.

We’d probably have sorted it out by now if we hadn’t have got married or had a child, but I didn’t want plans for these important life experiences to be delayed by a room. Losing a few relatives made me realise that those were things I wanted to do sooner rather than later and that decorating could wait. However, we are trying to do things slowly, as time and money allow. One embarrassment has always been the large radiator leaning forwards off of its brackets underneath our windowsill. Not only that, but it was a nightmare to clean and things kept getting stuck down it. 

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