Great Ways To Make Your Healthcare More Accessible

Collaborative Post¦ When you’re not feeling great, how long does it take you to go to the doctor? If the answer is more than a day, why is that? What’s stopping you from accessing the healthcare you need when you need it? Is it a matter of convenience? Or maybe it’s because it’s quite hard to get an appointment these days! And seeing as everyone is feeling the squeeze in the healthcare world, sometimes it’s essential to take your needs into your own hands. As such, here are some great ways to make your healthcare more accessible. 

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Never Be Afraid to Get a Second Opinion

If you ever feel like you’ve not been taken seriously, or you haven’t gotten the results you want from a doctor, go somewhere else for a second opinion. It’s your right as a patient to do this, and to even go for a 3rd, 4th, or 5th opinion if need be! If you feel something is wrong, you’re the one person who’s likely to know above all else. You spend every minute of the day inside your body, and you deserve to have your concerns voiced and listened to. 

You Can Buy Teeth and Gum Care

Dental care can be hard to keep up with. When you’re trying to approach your wellness holistically, a tooth or gum problem can still crop up and make your life worse! But did you know it’s easier than ever to invest in teeth and gum care without the need to see a dentist? 

If you want to use clear braces at home, or get your teeth whitened, or even just brush your teeth with a paste that takes care of everything, you can buy something to help out! Remember though, if there’s a genuine issue, like discolouration in your gums or you’ve found an abscess, book in for a dentist appointment! 

Exercise at Home

Exercising at home prevents you from needing to hit the gym, or waste time and energy going for a run in the morning when you could be getting an extra half hour of sleep! And you can make this kind of exercise work around your schedule; you never have to worry about trying to squeeze in a class at the end of the day, or finding childcare if you and a friend want to try out a session down the park. You’ve got a mini home gym to rely on and don’t have to go anywhere else for the gains! 

Understand the Connection Between Your Emotions and Your Health

Our emotions can rule physical health. This is so important to remember, as it can be the answer to a lot of problems you might not have thought about yet. Maybe the stress you’re carrying is what’s causing you to lose sleep, or is the source of that chronic back pain? It’s part of the reason why a good cry is excellent for you!  

If you want healthcare to be accessible, start at home! 

Disclosure: This is a collaborative post.

Cover photo by National Cancer Institute on Unsplash