4 Simple Home Dog Grooming Tips

Dog grooming is essential regardless of your pet’s breed. You may opt for professional services, but doing it at home is the perfect chance for you two to bond. It also helps you look out for skin infections or parasites.

Not many know where to start, but the following are four tips that may help.

1.  Clip the Nails

The nails are the first place to start when dog grooming. Claws usually trim themselves when the dog walks around, but it is vital to check for overgrowth each 3-6 weeks. The best way to tell when to cut is if the nails touch the ground when your dog stands.

Pet stores usually sell various nail clippers sizes to accommodate different breeds. You can also seek professional help if you are scared you will hurt your dog since it is possible for the clipping to cause bleeding.

2.  Brush the Coat

If you want to keep your pet’s hair glossy and healthy, you should regularly brush the hair; the frequency depends on how fluffy the coat is. Dog grooming helps prevent matting, enhances bonding, and makes it easier to get used to human handling.

While breeds with short hair need a brush about twice a month, the frequency should increase for long-haired dogs. Such types need it more since they are usually susceptible to infections and abscesses.

3.  Give Baths

Although brushing helps remove dirt and keeps the coat healthy, it is equally essential for dogs to have baths. It gives you a chance to scrub off dirt thoroughly and is the best family and pet bonding activity, but remember that it doesn’t have to be too often, especially for some breeds.

Ensure that you use unique products that are safe for the pet since some aid in conditioning and reduce chances of itching and infections. Before the bath, you must brush the coat to remove any knots; otherwise, trying to detangle the hair when wet can cause matting.

4.  Clean Ears and Eyes

The ears and eyes are usually the most overlooked parts during dog grooming, but they are critical to helping you know when something is wrong. If you notice any discharge around the eyes, you can gently remove it with clean wet cotton wool in a downward motion.

You should also check for any infection or inflammation of the ears because your dog may need urgent medical attention. There should not be excessive wax; you should be keen on how the dog reacts when you examine the years, checking for signs of pain.

Make Dog Grooming Fun

Dog grooming may be crucial, but not every dog loves it, especially nail clipping, but there are ways to make it fun. You can give treats and make baths playtime for the dog to enjoy.

Remember to brush the coat often, especially when your furry friend has too much hair, and go easy on the frequency of the baths.

Disclosure: This is a collaborative post.

Author bio– Emma Anderson

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