4 Tips to Be a Less Picky Eater



Collaborative Post¦ No one wants to be a picky eater. It’s not your fault you don’t like certain foods, and it doesn’t exactly make your life easier. It makes any meal out with friends fraught with awkwardness, and you risk going home hungry if there is nothing on the menu that you can eat. The people you live with have to adjust their diets to fit in with you, and you’re constantly having to force down items you can’t stomach just to be polite. 

A lot of people view fussy eaters with disdain, as if they are choosing to shun particular foods just to be difficult. But if you could choose not to be, you would. It would open you up to a whole new world of deliciousness and make your life a lot easier. 

There is no definite reason why some people became picky and others don’t. It could be due to the variety of foods you were brought up with in childhood, or it could be an innate characteristic you were born with. Maybe it’s only certain textures or smells you can’t deal with. Whatever the reasons, there are ways to be a less discerning diner and expand your culinary habits.

To get you started, here are four tips to help you be a less picky eater.

Find your motivation

If you want to make a change in your life, the best way to succeed is to identify your motivation. Ask yourself why you want to stop being a picky eater. Is it to avoid tension at family mealtimes? Or so you can go out for dinner without feeling anxious and judged? Maybe you want to set a better example for your kids to stop them growing up to be fussy eaters too. Whatever it is, focusing on this goal will help to keep you focused and work towards changing your behavior for good.

Avoid stress

A huge fancy dinner surrounded by strangers you don’t know might not be the best place to experiment with new foods. When trying new things, do so in the comfort of your own home or with someone you can relax around. This will put less pressure on you to enjoy new foods, and you will be more likely to succeed.

Start small

The best way to get out of your comfort zone is to start small. For example, if you don’t enjoy fish, it’s probably not a good idea to order the seafood platter. Instead, try a bite from your friend’s plate, or order a selection of side dishes and appetizers.

Keep trying

If you try something and don’t like it immediately, you shouldn’t give up. Some foods are acquired tastes and may require a few goes before you begin to enjoy them. You could try preparing foods in different ways to find one you like. For example, you could blend fruits or vegetables in a top juicer to make a less-intimidating juice or soup. The key thing is that you keep at it and don’t be discouraged by setbacks. Before long you will find your palate starts to mature, and you will learn to experience the joys of food.

Disclosure: This is a collaborative post. 

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