If you live in the UK have a pre-school child, chances are that you are well acquainted with CBeebies. Astonishingly, some mums (and dads) actually start to have a bit of a thing for some of the characters. Mrs Helicopter is no stranger to these feelings (don’t read if you’re faint-hearted, or weak-stomached for that matter!) While I’m absolutely certain I’ll never be one of the “tumble tarts“, (women who would actually like to get together with Mr. Tumble for some fun), you do find that your brain seems to try and find ways to make it more interesting. After all, it’s quite mundane having the same old brain-numbing thing rotated three times a day and seeing the same episodes every couple of weeks.
I’ve noticed that on occasion, things are said that sound quite dirty out of context. Sometimes it could even be misconstrued within context! I like to think that they throw these things in to keep us on our toes and see if we’re actually listening.
The other day, I was quickly checking my emails as Autumn happily played on the floor. “I like a paddle”, I heard Mr. Bloom say. “What?! I didn’t have him down as a BDSM kind of guy”, I caught myself sniggering. Of course, as I looked up, I saw that he was just innocently having a paddle in the sea. Turns out I’m not the only one who has heard naughty things though. I’ve spoken to some other parents within the blogging community to find out what else has been going on on CBeebies.
Fluttering c**t
Gee Gardner reminded me of this classic moment on Show Me Show Me last September that caused an absolute uproar. It really does sound like Chris Jarvis says fluttering c**t, but apparently he’s saying kite. Watch the video and see what you think!
Madam Gazelle’s punk past
Okay, so this isn’t CBeebies, but it’s definitely worth a mention in my eyes! Deborah of Country Heart and Home said “Peppa pig and her teacher that use to be in a band that sounds remarkably like The F*cking Gazelles!! lol. Google it and see! ”
I couldn’t actually hear anything different, my husband had to tell me that it’s supposed to be The Rocking Gazelles!
What’s Fireman Sam up to?
Bad Dadu saw this gem on his screen the other day. If that’s not suggestive, then I don’t know what is!
“Nina made some questionable remarks when describing the process of a volcanic eruption once….. dirty minx” says Emily of Confessions of a Slummy Mummy.
Time for bed?
Meanwhile, All About A Mummy says “Tom Hardy reading Bedtime Stories and telling us all to ‘Get yourself tucked up and I’ll see you very soon’ had me running for my nightie and don’t even get me started on Andy’s tight trousers.”
It would seem that taking a liking to CBeebies presenters and characters isn’t unusual!
Hanky panky in The Night Garden
It would seem that In The Night Garden may well be the worst offender. Well, I suppose it does kind of revolve around bed time, so perhaps it’s to be expected…
“I’m pretty sure I remember Makka Pakka‘s Uff-Uff ending up in Upsy Daisy‘s bed” – Rice Cakes and Raisins.
“The episode of in the night garden with Iggle Piggle’s tiddle! also what is with Upsy Daisy showing everyone her knickers and all the episodes where people try to climb into her bed without permission?! If you overthink it In The Night Garden is all kinds of messed up!” – Friendly First Foods.
“Iggle Piggle and the Mucky Patch episode is so full of innuendos for those with a dirty mind ?” – Becka of Mummy Est. 2014
That’s a big package
Pass the wine please recalled a very naughty episode of Postman Pat: “Ben calling Postman Pat to tell him ‘I’ve got an extra large one for you today Pat’ always makes me chuckle…would explain why Pat never delivers anything on time!”
Odd pairing
“I found the pairing of Raymond and Tina in Me Too! the oddest thing EVER! He looked about 15 and her about 60
Also Granny Murray…. GRANNY? Really?!?!
So many issues with that show on CBeebies ?” says Twinderelmo.
A phallic plant
Leyla of This day I love… brought my attention to a very, erm, interesting looking episode of Waybuloo. “There’s an episode of Waybaloo where they are playing with a purple happy plant. When it’s happy it goes up but when it’s sad it goes floppy”.
See for yourself:
Hmm, are these really only coincidental? Jade of Jada Quotes added near the end of the discussion “Nobody fancy a tumble with The Tumble then? ?”
No, just no. That’s enough internet and CBeebies for the day, don’t you think?
There’s an episode of In the Night Garden where Iggle Piggle keeps coming across water spraying from the ground. And Dereck Jackobi keeps saying “Iggle Piggles Tinkle” and it absolutely kills my stepdad! #coolmumclub
OMG I have to start watching with my dirty mind switched on for these innuendos! Brilliant!
Thank for linking to #coolmumclub
There are quite a few around if your mind is in the right (or should that be wrong) place! 😉
This was just the giggle i needed this morning!! Great post #blogstravaganza
haha … love it! Great read, I needed that laugh. Thank you.
Ha I love things like this. I swear they do it on purpose. I can’t say any of the CBeebies presenters do it for me, but Chris Evans doing the bedtime story was a lovely treat! #blogstravaganza
No problem, glad to be of help! 🙂
No, I’m not too sure about them either. I love the variety of people they have reading the bedtime stories. I’m looking forward to Dolly Parton!
This post really made me laugh! I’m sure they sneak things into these programmes to keep the adults entertained too! Thanks so much for sharing with #Blogstravaganza xx
They probably do. A lot of it is pretty mind-numbing, so it keeps us awake I guess! xx
Really funny great read Thank you for linking to #ThatFridayLinky Please come back next week