Gift Wrapping Tips and Tricks

How ready are you for Christmas? Did you start your shopping during the January sales or are you planning on doing all your gift buying during Black Friday? If you have a lot of presents that need to be wrapped, now is a good time to start thinking of when and how you want to wrap them.

Whether you love to book out a day to get everything wrapped up or you prefer to wrap gifts as you go along, here are some top tips to give your wrapping skills a boost this year.

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7 things you MUST know before wedding dress shopping

It sounds simple, right? Go to some shops and have fun trying on some dresses, until you find “the one”? It’s only when it comes to going to bridal shops that you realise there’s more to it. It helps to do some preparation before you go wedding dress shopping! Here are my top tips:

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5 ways to help an early teether

Collaborative Links¦ Autumn has been teething since just before Christmas, when she was 3 months old. I felt sorry for her, even more so as she didn’t quite have the coordination of babies who are of average teething age (around 6 months) to hold teething toys in her mouth herself.

Here are my top tips for helping a little one that is teething and lacks the coordination to help themselves very much:

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5 steps to being happy – International Day of Happiness

Today is the International Day of Happiness, so I thought I’d reflect on how I’ve been feeling lately. Let’s face the facts: Life is stressful, terrible things happen in our world and many things just seem so awful and unfair! I know the cold, dark British winters don’t really help my mood either. However, I try to always remember that I can still feel happy despite all of these things. “How to be happy?” you ask. Well, here are my 5 tips that I follow when I feel myself getting depressed.

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My 10 top tips for dealing with a cold

A few days ago, I got a bad cold and now poor little Autumn has a cold too. It was the first time I had a bad cold and had to look after a child. I have to say I did miss being able to just curl up and feel sorry for myself, especially when she started screaming and I had a banging headache! However, it was just a cold, I know things could be much worse. I just got on with it and did the usual things that I do when I have a cold to try and get through it quicker and more comfortably:

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