How to Take Pictures of Fidgety, Distractible Kids: Tips for Parents and Photographers

It’s no secret that children often exhibit boundless energy, unpredictable moods, and a knack for getting distracted at the most inopportune moments. These qualities make them challenging—and highly rewarding—photography subjects. If you’re planning to hold a professional family photo shoot or you’re the photographer in charge of one, managing the kids should certainly be one of your primary considerations. Aside from looking for and booking a “photo studio near me” that can accommodate wiggly, rambunctious kids, you should also research practical ways to keep your young subjects engaged and in the best of spirits.

To get you started, here are a few strategies that you can use to turn even the most chaotic photo shoot with kids into a fun and successful event.

Recall the Kid’s Schedule and Choose the Right Time of Day

Timing can make or break a photo shoot with kids, so consider their schedule when booking a studio. It’s important to know when the child tends to be at their happiest and most cooperative. For many children, this is in the morning after a good night’s sleep or shortly after a meal. So, as much as possible, avoid scheduling during nap times or when the child is likely to be tired, hungry, or cranky. With a properly timed photo shoot, you can have an easier time gaining the kid’s cooperation.

Create a Comfortable Environment for the Kids

Children are more likely to cooperate when they feel safe and relaxed. Keeping this in mind, choose a familiar location for the photo shoot, such as your home or a favourite park, where the kids can feel at ease. If the photo shoot is in a studio, take some time to let them explore the space and get used to the surroundings. Perhaps you can schedule a visit before the actual shoot to let the kids familiarise themselves with the space. It’s also a good idea to bring along familiar toys or comfort items that can help the children settle in.

Turn Prep Time and the Photo Shoot Itself Into a Game

To make the photo shoot less stressful for everyone, how about transforming it into a playful activity rather than a formal session? Use games like peek-a-boo, ask the kids to pretend they’re superheroes or adventurers, or engage them in a scavenger hunt where they find colourful objects around them. You could also try asking them to act out their favourite storybook characters or make funny animal noises.

Incorporating fun elements to the session helps keep the children’s interest in the activity. As they play, you can capture candid moments that showcase their personality and natural expressions. Aside from keeping their attention, “gamifying” the shoot can also result in natural and joyful expressions that make for memorable photos.

Be Patient and Flexible with the Kids Throughout the Photo Session

You already know this, but it bears repeating: patience is key when photographing children. Accept that there will be moments of distraction or restlessness. Also, instead of trying to force a particular pose, adapt to their energy levels and behaviour. If the kids need a break, allow it. Being flexible helps keep the mood light and reduces stress for everyone involved.

Use Simple Poses and Clear Directions When Working with Energetic Children

Complicated poses are unlikely to work with young children, so be sure to stick to simple, natural positions. For example, you can instruct them to sit, stand, or lie down. When giving directions, keep them clear and straightforward. Use prompts like “can you show me your favourite dance move?” or “can you give Mum a big hug?” to guide the kids without overwhelming them.

Bring the Right Props to Capture the Child’s Attention

Props can be a fantastic way to capture a child’s interest and encourage interaction. Balloons, bubbles, stuffed animals, or colourful toys can make a photo shoot more engaging for young kids and make them more eager to participate. Make sure to choose props that suit the child’s age and personality, and use them to create dynamic, visually appealing shots.

Work Quickly but Thoughtfully

Children’s attention spans are short, so it’s important to plan your shoot with efficiency in mind. Have your equipment ready and test your settings well before involving the child so as not to waste time. Also, plan your shots in advance, but remain open to capturing spontaneous moments. A well-prepared yet flexible approach ensures you make the most of the time you have.

Capture the Child’s Candid Moments

Sometimes, the best photos come when kids are simply being themselves. Let them run, laugh, and play while you observe and photograph from a distance. Capture these fleeting moments by using a fast shutter speed that can freeze their movements; a zoom lens can also help you avoid invading their space when taking photos.

Position yourself at the children’s eye level to create more intimate and relatable shots. Also, pay attention to natural light and background elements to ensure the candid moments stand out. These techniques can help you document their genuine energy and emotions with beauty and authenticity.

Use Distractions to Your Advantage

If a child is fidgety, use their distractions to your benefit. Follow their lead and capture what grabs their attention. Whether it’s a butterfly in the garden or a toy they love, incorporating these elements into the shoot can add authenticity and charm to your photos.

With these tips in mind, photographing energetic and distractible kids can become a more manageable and enjoyable experience. By tailoring your approach to suit their needs and embracing the unexpected, you’ll not only capture beautiful photos but also create a memorable and positive experience for everyone involved.

Cover photo by Pixabay