How To Find A Dentist Online

Collaborative Post¦ Unlike when searching for a doctor, when you want to find a new dentist, you won’t (necessarily) be restricted to a specific location or catchment area. Instead, you are free to choose who you want to go to, assuming you are using a private dentist, of course. This fact can have several benefits, including the fact that you can search out a dentist with a specific specialty who may be able to help you more than another dentist would. You can also look at location, pricing, and qualifications ahead of time and be sure that you’re happy with the choice you’ve made. 

The only issue is that there are thousands of dentists to choose from, and this can feel rather overwhelming. You certainly aren’t going to want to go and visit each individual clinic to see which one is best. So what are your options? The best thing you can do is to use the internet to find your ideal dentist; here are some ways to do this in the right way. 

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Do NHS dentists actually care about their patients?

Over the last 10 years or so, I’ve had some experiences with NHS dentists that have not been particularly favourable. Nothing major, but enough to change between NHS dentists near me in the hope of improving my experiences. However, it hasn’t helped. Last month, I had absolutely terrible wisdom tooth pain (particularly not ideal whilst pregnant). This resulted in my worst experience yet, which led to me going to a private dentist. It’s left me wondering if NHS dentists actually care about their patients or if it all comes down to money.

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When should you first take baby to the dentist? (+WIN)

So, when should you take your child to the dentist for the first time? There seems to be a lot of misinformation around about when you should take your baby for their first check up. Shortly before Autumn turned 6 months old, I went to a class at one of our local Children’s Centres. As well as learning about weaning, we learnt about dental care too. It turns out that where I’m based in Medway there’s a scheme where babies are given a Medway Smiles passport. It’s encouraged that they first go to the dentist between 6 and 8 months old.

Here’s some more information how to look after your baby’s precious teeth as well as a giveaway! The prizes you’re in with a chance to win will help you to protect those pearly whites.

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5 ways to help an early teether

Collaborative Links¦ Autumn has been teething since just before Christmas, when she was 3 months old. I felt sorry for her, even more so as she didn’t quite have the coordination of babies who are of average teething age (around 6 months) to hold teething toys in her mouth herself.

Here are my top tips for helping a little one that is teething and lacks the coordination to help themselves very much:

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