5 Ways to Enhance Your Self-Esteem

Collaborative Post¦ Improving your self-esteem doesn’t come easy to everyone. Some of us have to work hard to increase our confidence levels. But when we put time and effort into … Read More

Luxurious 30 minute Nap Time Spa Routine

Sponsored Post¦ Being a Mama is stressful. It’s hard work and can often feel like you don’t receive much gratitude from your tiny humans for keeping them fed, dressed and warm. Therefore, I’m inviting you to reclaim nap time with me. Once a week or fortnight make sure you take the time and use it for yourself without guilt. Don’t worry about the dishes or cleaning, they can wait. When you’ve been working hard for so long, half an hour of self-care can make such a difference. Hopefully this spa routine at home will make you feel refreshed and ready to take on whatever life throws at you after naptime!

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Self-Care and Mental Health: 9 Tips for Mothers

Collaborative Post¦ A mother’s life is defined by constant errands, multiple tasks and forever being busy. Family life is a whirlwind of activities, fast-paced and always on the go. It can be hard to find time to sit down and breathe. But indulging in some self-care and being mindful of your mental health is absolutely essential. While you’re so busy tending to others and keeping everyone else happy, you can easily forget that you also need some looking after. Here are some self-care tips to help you look after yourself and your mental health, so you can continue tending to those motherly duties with the upmost care and attention.

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Tips For Checking With Yourself And Your Health

Collaborative Post¦ We can often prioritize bad habits over our health, which is of course detrimental. It can be easy to let bad habits slide and focus on what makes us feel good for a small amount of time over what actually can impact our health. If you often feel out of touch with your health or feel you should and could take better care of yourself, then here are some top tips.

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3 things in 15 minutes to feel more “you”, less “mum”

As wonderful as motherhood is, a lot does change and that takes some adjusting to! I often find myself putting on the same combinations of jeans and t-shirts or jumpers each day. Once I’ve finished work, I slap on some concealer and foundation, quickly put a brush through my hair and rush off to collect Autumn from her childminder. With all the additional things to do in my daily life, I’ve definitely not taken care of myself as much. I’ve been meaning to paint my nails for weeks now, but they’re still bare. Does this sound like you?

It’s so important as mums to give ourselves a bit of self care, in whatever form that comes. This post is about 3 things I  do to feel a bit more like “myself” in 15 minutes and hopefully it will inspire you too! After all, surely 15 minutes is achievable every once in a while?

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