5 reasons you should have a 4D baby scan

When I was pregnant with Autumn, Dave and I were umming and ahing over whether or not to have a 4D scan. When my Mum said she’d found a voucher for Window to the Womb in Bexleyheath on Groupon and that she’d pay half of it, we decided to go for it. We booked it it when I was 32 weeks + 2 days pregnant and thoroughly enjoyed the experience.

Here are five reasons why you should have one done:

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How to make a cast of your baby bump

When I was pregnant with Autumn, I saw lots of photos on the internet of women who had made plaster casts of their pregnant bellies. I thought it would be a lovely reminder of my bump and thought it would be amusing to wear in the future to see how big my bump was, (it was HUGE, I can barely believe it when I place it against myself now). Lots of women online also paint beautiful designs on theirs. Mine is still just plain at the moment, but I’d like to do something with it in the future.

Lots of places online sell kits for doing this and they often retail at around £15, but you can do it much more cheaply! All you need to do is buy some plaster of paris bandage rolls and some petroleum jelly. We managed to get these rolls from our local craft shop for a little over £1 each roll. I’m petite and two rolls just about made a cast of my bump, so for most women I’d probably recommend getting three rolls – you’ve still probably saved about £10!

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When I found out I was pregnant

I’ve really enjoyed my When I found out I was pregnant guest series over the last few weeks. We’ve had such a variety of stories! I’ve been asked whether I’m going to share my story, so I thought I would!

I hope you enjoy reading my story and please do check out some of the ladies’ stories too!

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My first Mother’s Day

Yesterday I experienced my first Mother’s Day as a mum. I think this is a big milestone for any new mum and the day takes on a whole new meaning! I think once you become a mum, as long as you had a good relationship with your mum you appreciate her a lot more. As a mother, I also appreciate my body a lot more – it’s amazing what it does throughout pregnancy and labour.

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30 things to do before 30

As my friends keep reminding me, as I have recently turned 25 I am now closer to 30 than I am 20! Quite frankly, this kind of scares me as time seems to have gone so fast since I was 16 and seems to go quicker each year. As such, I felt the need to make a list of things I’d like to do before I turn 30. Hopefully I can achieve quite a few of these, so even if the time goes quickly, I’ll feel like I’ve achieved a lot with it!

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