A letter to my daughter at 11 months

Dear Autumn,

How are we only a month away from your first birthday? It makes me sad to think that you’re already so close to being a toddler rather than a baby. You’ll always be my baby though, no matter how big you get! As sad as it is when you stop doing funny little things, there’s always a new thing to follow. It’s just part of a natural, healthy progression.

We’ve had lots of fun this month, this is what you’ve been up to…

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A letter to my daughter at 10 months old

Dear Autumn,

I know I’m biased, but you truly are the most beautiful little girl I’ve ever seen. You’re so perfect. I just want to squish you in a lovely big cuddle, but you wouldn’t let me. You always just want to wiggle away and get back to exploring the world! You are so into everything, it’s so exhausting chasing you around constantly, trying to keep you out of harm’s way. However, I have to remind myself that it’s such a wonderful thing that you’re clearly so intelligent and eager to learn about the world around you.

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A letter to my daughter at 9 months old

Dear Autumn,

You’re 9 months old, little one! You’ve very nearly been out in this world as long as you were in my tummy. I still miss you being in there sometimes, but it’s so wonderful to now properly know you and watch you develop.

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5 ways to help an early teether

Collaborative Links¦ Autumn has been teething since just before Christmas, when she was 3 months old. I felt sorry for her, even more so as she didn’t quite have the coordination of babies who are of average teething age (around 6 months) to hold teething toys in her mouth herself.

Here are my top tips for helping a little one that is teething and lacks the coordination to help themselves very much:

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Father’s Day MAM Soother Giveaway

With Father’s Day coming up, the lovely people over at MAM have contacted me to give away two ‘Made With Love’ soothers to give away to my wonderful readers!

Autumn has been using her MAM soothers since she fell critically ill at two weeks old. She’s now 8 months old and we haven’t looked back! 

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