Tips For Checking With Yourself And Your Health

Collaborative Post¦ We can often prioritize bad habits over our health, which is of course detrimental. It can be easy to let bad habits slide and focus on what makes us feel good for a small amount of time over what actually can impact our health. If you often feel out of touch with your health or feel you should and could take better care of yourself, then here are some top tips.

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26 years and 26 goals

Post contains sponsored links¦ Last week, I celebrated my 26th birthday. I can’t believe that this year, my husband and I have been together for a whole decade! I’m also very scared of how close I’m getting to the big three-oh. It feels like time has just flown terrifyingly fast since I left school.

Anyway, it seems like a good time to set some goals for the following year. So, why not do that cliché blogger thing and think of 26 as that’s how many years I’ve been on the planet?

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