A letter to my daughter at 13 months

Dear Autumn,

Yet another month has gone by so quickly, you’re now 13 months old! I’ve gone back to work this month. Although I’m not working full time, I’m spending over 24 hours a week away from you and that feels an awful lot. Fortunately, you seem to have adjusted well and seem to enjoy your time with your childminder. I think that you’ve adjusted a lot better than I have, actually. The first day I went back to work, the things I was able to do that I can’t with you around were something of a novelty. The second day I spent in the office, I kept thinking of you and felt tearful several times. I just have to try and remind myself that it’s for your own good that I’m doing this.

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A letter to my daughter at 12 months – 1 year old!

Dear Autumn,

I can’t believe it’s been a year since I gave birth to you and first held you in my arms. I was overwhelmed with love and adoration, just as I am today when I look at the beautiful little girl you’ve become. We went through a lot, but you came out fighting and caught up to be just where you should be! I’m so proud of you, but scared of how fast the time has slipped away already, despite the fact I’ve tried desperately to savour it all. I’m going back to work next week and am already terribly sad about the time I’m going to miss spending with you, as well as worried how you’re going to get on. 

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A letter to my daughter at 11 months

Dear Autumn,

How are we only a month away from your first birthday? It makes me sad to think that you’re already so close to being a toddler rather than a baby. You’ll always be my baby though, no matter how big you get! As sad as it is when you stop doing funny little things, there’s always a new thing to follow. It’s just part of a natural, healthy progression.

We’ve had lots of fun this month, this is what you’ve been up to…

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Love: My thoughts on it at 16 years old

What is love? It sure is something the world could do with some more of right now. I was recently going through some things on my bookshelf, when I found something I’d written when I was 16. Dated the 8th of October, I had a vague recollection of writing it in 2008, when I’d been dating my husband for almost a month. Although I’d previously had a blog, I didn’t have one at the time. Really, it kind of is a blog post, but written on paper.

One of my best friends had asked me what love was, when I told her that I loved my boyfriend. She told me that she didn’t believe what I had was love, as I was only a teenager. She used examples of old couples where one has dementia and the other takes care of them as true love. While I believe that love gets stronger over time, I truly believed that what I felt at that time was love. The fact that I have now been happy with Dave for 9 years hopefully reflects that! After having the discussion we had over MSN messenger, I felt like I wanted to write about it. When I found this letter, it was interesting looking back and reflecting on my teenage thoughts about love.

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A letter to my daughter at 10 months old

Dear Autumn,

I know I’m biased, but you truly are the most beautiful little girl I’ve ever seen. You’re so perfect. I just want to squish you in a lovely big cuddle, but you wouldn’t let me. You always just want to wiggle away and get back to exploring the world! You are so into everything, it’s so exhausting chasing you around constantly, trying to keep you out of harm’s way. However, I have to remind myself that it’s such a wonderful thing that you’re clearly so intelligent and eager to learn about the world around you.

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