Common Ailments You’ll Inevitably Get

Image Credit: Unknownuserpanama from Pixabay.

Collaborative Post¦ Nobody likes getting sick. It’s something that everyone can expect at various points throughout their life. Some illnesses can even pop up relatively regularly. Thankfully, these are all relatively minor, and you shouldn’t have too many problems recovering.

You’ll want to speed up this process. With how common many illnesses are, there are some that you could expect to get. That means that you can take preventative measures to minimize your chances of getting them.

It also means that you’ll know what kind of treatments and recovering time you can expect. Some infections and conditions will be much more likely than others. While you can’t avoid getting sick, you can be prepared for it.

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My 10 top tips for dealing with a cold

A few days ago, I got a bad cold and now poor little Autumn has a cold too. It was the first time I had a bad cold and had to look after a child. I have to say I did miss being able to just curl up and feel sorry for myself, especially when she started screaming and I had a banging headache! However, it was just a cold, I know things could be much worse. I just got on with it and did the usual things that I do when I have a cold to try and get through it quicker and more comfortably:

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Autumn and the ovarian cyst

This post is going to be very difficult to write, but I feel like it’s something I need to do. I have written a short version of this story as a guest post for Rachel Bustin‘s New Mums Series about how it’s never too early to trust your instincts as a mum, but I’m going to go into more detail here. To begin with, repeating this story felt like it hurt me deeper and deeper each time. However, I’ve now had to repeat it so many times that I think it’s now getting easier each time and possibly helping me to heal and come to terms with what happened. Perhaps one day, someone else will read this who is going through the same or a similar situation (thankfully, this is EXTREMELY rare) and can live in hope knowing it gets better.

***Warning: This post is emotional and may be a trigger to some***

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