How to Live a Fulfilled Life

Woman following her dreams

Image credit Pixabay

Collaborative Post¦ Too few of us follow our dreams. It might be difficult to admit to, but it’s true. Life can be confusing, and it’s really easy to end up feeling stuck in a rut, unable to pursue what will make you truly happy. Just as people are all individuals, everyone has individual dreams. Some of you may want nothing more than a big family, whilst others might dream of success in your careers, or living in a particular place, or a combination of all the above. Other than fame – which can strike randomly and which is nearly impossible to predict – all these dreams are completely achievable. It might take hard work, and patience, and just a pinch of luck, but you can have the life you want, as long as you don’t give up on it!

Some of the most popular dreams are being financially secure, having a family, working your dream job, travelling the world and living in your dream home. Read on for a few tips on how to grasp hold of these dreams with both hands, and never let them go. 

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26 years and 26 goals

Post contains sponsored links¦ Last week, I celebrated my 26th birthday. I can’t believe that this year, my husband and I have been together for a whole decade! I’m also very scared of how close I’m getting to the big three-oh. It feels like time has just flown terrifyingly fast since I left school.

Anyway, it seems like a good time to set some goals for the following year. So, why not do that cliché blogger thing and think of 26 as that’s how many years I’ve been on the planet?

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10 little things that make me happy

I was tagged by the lovely Becca at My Girls and Me to write a blog post about 10 little things that make me happy. You can read her post here.

I’m writing this at a time that the attacks on Manchester are still very fresh in people’s minds. However, it’s important to remember that even at times of adversity, good can be seen. It’s important to remember not to take life for granted and focus on the little things that make you happy.

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5 steps to being happy – International Day of Happiness

Today is the International Day of Happiness, so I thought I’d reflect on how I’ve been feeling lately. Let’s face the facts: Life is stressful, terrible things happen in our world and many things just seem so awful and unfair! I know the cold, dark British winters don’t really help my mood either. However, I try to always remember that I can still feel happy despite all of these things. “How to be happy?” you ask. Well, here are my 5 tips that I follow when I feel myself getting depressed.

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