4 Doctors We Should See Once A Year

Collaborative Post¦ You trust your GP with every health complaint, and so far, they have always been able to help you. So, it can seem odd to schedule medical checkups and appointments with other doctors. But the truth is that a general practitioner can only help you so much. As a family doctor, your GP can identify common complaints, from a stomach bug to serious infections. However, your GP also acts as the first point of contact. Indeed, your family doctor can refer you to specialists to help you deal with health issues that are beyond their knowledge. These are the four specialists who should see you at least once a year. 

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5 ways to help an early teether

Collaborative Links¦ Autumn has been teething since just before Christmas, when she was 3 months old. I felt sorry for her, even more so as she didn’t quite have the coordination of babies who are of average teething age (around 6 months) to hold teething toys in her mouth herself.

Here are my top tips for helping a little one that is teething and lacks the coordination to help themselves very much:

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