4 Signs That You Need to See the Doctor

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Collaborative Post¦ Many people tend to wait to be seriously sick to visit a doctor. If you have a personal doctor, scheduling an appointment with someone different may feel weird. However, one doctor cannot handle all the human body health demands. The doctor can point out minor infections and major illnesses.

A good one will refer you to a specialist if the case is beyond their specialization. It would be best to visit specialists such as a dentist or an audiologist at least once every year, whether you feel sick or not. Sometimes you are not ill, but you experience some signs that should sound an alarm. Be sure to see a doctor once you have these signs.

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4 Simple Practices That Benefit Your Mind and Body

Image Credit: Pexels

Collaborative Post¦ It seems like a day doesn’t go by today without hearing about individuals suffering from various lifestyle conditions such as heart disease, diabetes or mental illness.

As the world grows chaotic, there’s never been a better time to take care of your mind and body as these two can guarantee you a long and healthy life.

Contrary to what you may think, it doesn’t take much to keep your mind and body in top shape. In fact, with these four simple practices, you’ll have a much clearer head and stronger body.

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Review & Giveaway: So you want to build a human?

Review¦ I was recently sent a copy of ” So you want to build a human?” by Tom Jackson and Jan Bielecki. I’m genuinely impressed by this book and looking forward to writing this review. I think it’s perfect for children in late primary school and the first 3 or 4 years of secondary school to accompany their learning. I have 4 copies to giveaway – just enter using the widget in this blog post!

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Self Confidence Is A Stone’s Throw Away

Collaborative Post¦ As a mum, self confidence is not always going to our strong suit. As soon as our bodies change during pregnancy, there’s no going back. Well, some mums seem to bounce back to their normal bodies, or perhaps even better than they ever used to be. But for the majority of mums, their bodies become a major insecurity. You can’t help but wish for this baby free young adult body that you used to have. Yes, you might have the precious love of a baby take make up for it, but sometimes we just want to feel beautiful again. There could be absolutely nothing wrong with your body as it is, but the insecurities in your mind will allow you to feel like you’re full of things that are wrong with your body. Well, we want to try and change that. We know that self confidence is only a stone’s throw away, all you have to do is look in the mirror, and tell yourself it will. With a lot of determination and drive, you can have any body, and any life that you want to have. To kickstart that drive right before the New Year, we’re going to show you why self confidence is only a stone’s throw away.

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Postpartum body – a husband’s perspective

After having a child, I think many women have body confidence issues. Even if you fit back into your pre-pregnancy jeans soon afterwards, it’s unlikely that you’re the same body shape. I’m not convinced anyone goes back to being just the way they were. That’s okay though, we’ve delivered our babies, which is a wonderful thing. However, when we look at extra pounds and stretchmarks in the mirror, it can still make you feel rather down! Often, though, the men in our lives don’t seem to mind too much. I asked my husband to write me a letter about my postpartum body and his thoughts about it. All being well, I can read this in the future if I’m ever looking at my reflection and tearing myself to shreds again!

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