Review: Jaques of London toys and board games

Review – Gifted¦ Established in 1795, Jaques of London is the oldest games company and sports manufacturer in the world. Amazingly, it has stayed in the same family and is now on its eight generation! According to their website, “Jaques have been responsible for inventing many well known games, such as Croquet, Ping Pong, Snakes and Ladders, Ludo, Tiddledy Winks, The Staunton Chess Set, Happy Families, Snap and many more”.

We were recently invited to review a couple of their products and have been very impressed. See for yourself and shop at Jaques of London with a 15% discount by using this link:

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Celebrating Autumn’s 4th Birthday

Wow, I can hardly believe that Autumn is 4 already. How fast time flies when you’re having fun…and constantly running around meeting a little one’s demands! Of course, her birthday wasn’t quite how I’d envisioned it being at the start of the year. If you’ve been following the blog for a while, you’ve probably noticed that we usually have a party or go somewhere like a zoo for Autumn’s birthday. I had a lot of great party ideas and she would have loved celebrating with her friends! To be honest, I don’t think most people have had a ‘normal’ birthday this year really, unless you were born at the beginning of the year like me. Nonetheless, we were determined to make her 4th birthday special regardless of Covid-19 being the ultimate party pooper!

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UK Lockdown in our House: Weeks 12 -18

Is this still lockdown? I’m not sure anybody knows quite what it is anymore! I mean, most things are back open, but in another respect things still aren’t ‘normal’. Although, what is normal, anyway? It’s looking pretty likely that things won’t ever be quite the same again, or at least not for a long time. In many respects, we are still acting like we’re mostly in lockdown. This is largely down to the fact that I recently found out I’m pregnant! (This is also the reason my lockdown updates have been abysmal!!) In spite of mostly being at home still, we’ve actually done a lot over the last 6 weeks!

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Celebrating a landmark birthday in partial lockdown

Collaborative Post¦ Last Sunday it was my Nan’s 80th birthday. However, in these odd times, our family wasn’t entirely sure how to celebrate it. Thankfully, lockdown has eased enough for us to be able to celebrate, although it wasn’t perhaps how we usually would have done. In spite of this, we found lots of ways to make her day truly special and memorable!

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10 tips for organizing a child’s birthday party

Collaborative Post¦ Organizing a birthday party should be an exciting and joyous time, but unfortunately, it is often very stressful, especially if you must cater to difficult parents. Your top priority is likely the safety of children and making sure that they all enjoy themselves. When they are hyped up on sugar, and there is the risk of spilling liquids and breaking objects, things can often get out of hand. The last thing you need is for someone to need slip and fall attorneys after your event. 

Here is a simple checklist that will put your mind at ease. Plan ahead, and it will take away a lot of the stress. 

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