When do you start feeling like a mother?

It was late January 2016 that I took my positive pregnancy test, so I’ve been thinking a lot about this time last year. I was thinking about when I started being a mum and when I started feeling like a mum. Without getting into a pro-life vs. pro-choice debate, I’d like to share my story and discuss with you when you first started being a mum.

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Autumn's 3 most favourite books, March 2017

Inspired by World Book Day tomorrow, (2nd March 2017), I thought I’d write about some of the books Autumn has in her collection or has borrowed from the library. Since Autumn was only a 6 week old baby, I’ve been buying and reading books to her often.

It’s never too early to start reading to babies, as it helps them to learn and it’s another activity you can do to help develop their senses. To begin with, black and white books are best as they can’t see especially clearly and they enjoy looking at the contrast. As they get to a couple of months old, they start to pay more attention to bright colours. As a 5 month old, Autumn now absolutely loves books, especially if they’re brightly coloured! She really looks at them and interacts with them by touching them and trying to hold them. Sometimes she even tries to turn the pages by herself!

Autumn seems to have three favourite books currently:

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A letter to my daughter at 5 months old

Dear Autumn,

Firstly, you’ve grown so much more hair over the last couple of weeks! Where has it all come from all of a sudden? I love stroking it, it’s so soft. We can definitely see that it’s blonde now, the same colour as your beautiful long eyelashes.

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Our second sensory room adventure

A couple of weeks ago, I posted about baby Autumn and I playing in the sensory room for the first time. Today we went back to have some more fun and do some more learning. Autumn had her jabs this morning, so the poor little thing has been grumpy all day and almost constantly grizzling. The sensory room seemed to help distract her to some extent for a while though. 

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A letter to my daughter at 4 & a bit months old

Dear Autumn,

I can’t believe how big you’re getting. Sometimes it feels so long since you were born and you were so tiny, sometimes it feels hardly any time at all. One thing is for sure, I can’t imagine life without you and I’m so glad to have you in it.

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